My daughter and I like going to second hand clothing stores
and trying stuff on. You’d be amazed at
the interesting things you can find!
Many of these store names have the word “Madonna” in them and I’m
assuming it is due to their association with maternal / charitable values. So I’ve interpreted my dressed up Heather in
this picture as a Christian icon (as a tribute to art history more so than to
The light glints off the cap’s threads around the face
similarly to the Eastern paintings where Our Lady is shown wearing a crown with
shiny jewels. The overall roundness
echoes a large halo above or behind the head.
By covering her head, she is speaking to the traditional sign of
honesty. Often we see Madonnas gaze directly out to the viewer as a request for prayers.
The white and pink carnations (pompoms) are symbolic of
innocence and motherly love and around her neck she wears a garland of roses.