What's new?

Working on a few new drawings, but for the most part, my husband and I have been busy getting preparations done for my exhibition at the Chapel Gallery in 2020.  Takes a lot of work!  

I won't be framing each of my drawings.  I'll be tacking them to one of these very light foam core  backings with magnets.  It's great to have powerful magnets, but they are murder to un-stick and organize!  They've taken a few chunks out of my fingers!

WEEK #31 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

My nephew at the last band concert - he tried on the band leader's (?) hat.  Not sure what the hangy downy thingy is - I suspect it's falling apart.  Plus it just might be on backwards - but oh well.  

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project. PRESS HERE FOR MY WEEKLY DRAWING PAGE 

As Long as the River Flows

Time to take the pictures down from the "As Long as the River Flows" and replace them with my "Member's Exhibition" entries.  Been a busy summer so far!






WEEK #25 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

When my daughter was young, we used to go to the Value Village and I'd take photos of her in different outfits.  The winter hats often had twinkly bits knitted into them; giving an interesting effect.  

When I saw the painting of "St Catherine Crowned" by Bartolomeo Veneto, it just reminded me of some of the photos I had taken of my daughter in various hats.  

We both love the Renaissance paintings, but the content sometimes gets somewhat tedious for us.  My title for this drawing:  "It's a nice hat mom, but I'm not buyin' it."

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project. PRESS HERE FOR MY WEEKLY DRAWING PAGE 

WEEK #24 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

I'm going to post date the next two - I just didn't get around to posting them at the time.  

This is my nephew TJ - he always reminds me of Raphael's cherubs from the Sistine Madonna when he sits patiently waiting for us to finish our coffee! 

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project. PRESS HERE FOR MY WEEKLY DRAWING PAGE 

WEEK #22 AND #23

WEEK #23 (Weekly Drawing 2019)

Same girl as Week #22.  (My waitress).  Had to take a number of photos of her because she's so shy.  There's something about this pose though haha. 

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project. PRESS HERE FOR MY WEEKLY DRAWING PAGE 

As Long as the River Flows


The exhibition is coming along .....  such a variety of interesting work!  I'm really looking forward to the reception, so I can meet the artists.   

Took my mom and nephew to see the drawings I have in the show.

The Biggar Independent

Local artists place at West Central adjudicated exhibition

Battlefords News-Optimist
June 3, 2019 03:32 PM

The annual Adjudicated Arts Exhibition 2019 was held in Biggar at the Biggar Museum and Gallery, where West Central artists were welcome to enter their art. The show was hosted by the Biggar and District Arts Council along with the Organization of Saskatchewan Arts Council and was on exhibit from May 1 to May 25

Rolf Krohn was the adjudicator for the public critique, which was held May 25.Selected artists can now go on to submit exhibition proposals to OSAC to be considered for a touring exhibition across the province.
Forty-one pieces of art were submitted this year in total
Best in Show winner was Lynn Strendin of North Battleford.
Honorable Mentions went to Rosemarie Stadnyk of North Battleford and Linda Hoult of Saskatoon.
The People’s Choice Award went to Joyce Wirachowsky of Biggar.
The winning piece was a charcoal and pencil drawing of a girl named Talissa. Each of Strendin’s five drawings had a corresponding QR code below it, and exhibition viewers were able to scan the code with the reader provided, and could read a story and watch a video about the people in her drawings. Many viewers participated in the interactive QR component. Strendin’s drawings and corresponding stories can be seen on her webpage (under Exhibitions) https://lynnstrendin.ca/

Artists could enter up to five pieces. Strendin entered five drawings, and her theme was “one drawing per week.” Strendin has been completing one drawing per week since January and she is documenting her progress on a weekly blog, which can also be accessed through her webpage. Strendin gets her subject matter largely from the people she knows around the community. The winning drawing of Talissa is the granddaughter of another local artist.

She has entered the Biggar adjudication once before, in 2016. At that time, three top artists were selected from the show, of which Strendin was one. That time, she entered five drawings from her “one drawing per week for a year” that she completed in 2015.

Adjudicator Rolf Krohn was born in 1939 in Consort, Alta. He studied at the Alberta College of Art and Design (then the Alberta Provincial Institute of Technology and Art) in the late 1950s. After moving to Saskatoon, Krohn spent 20 years as an instructor with Saskatoon Bridge City Painters. He has also led painting workshops and given lectures in both Alberta and Saskatchewan, and continues to act as a mentor for other artists. Krohn’s work in watercolour, acrylic and oil features a variety of subject matter, including the human figure, portraits, wildlife and Saskatchewan’s northern landscape. Drawn to colour and shape, Krohn enjoys experimentation in his work. He has exhibited in solo and group shows including, in 2010 and 2011, at the Canadian Federation of Artists’ Juried Art Show in Vancouver, B.C. Krohn is a member of the Canadian Society of Painters of Watercolour and the Canadian Institute of Portrait Artists and works full-time as an artist and lives in Saskatoon.

WEEK #22 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

Drawing for Week #22. Went to a restaurant last week to hear a friend do Country and Western music and as soon as I saw the waitress, I knew I had to ask her if I could draw her. Lovely girl. A pleasure to draw.

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project. PRESS HERE FOR MY WEEKLY DRAWING PAGE 

WEEK #20 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

A fellow I help at Bingo on Fridays.

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project. PRESS HERE FOR MY WEEKLY DRAWING PAGE 

WEEK #19 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

And this is my nephew Frankie at the hairdresser.  People are kinda interesting to draw when they are getting their hair done - they have such interesting head positions.

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project. PRESS HERE FOR MY WEEKLY DRAWING PAGE 

WEEK #18 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

Did this drawing last week, but I'm posting it this week with its partner...

Went with my nephew to get his haircut and he had to wait for this lady to finish having her haircut first.  So here's Esther....

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project. PRESS HERE FOR MY WEEKLY DRAWING PAGE 

Setting up for Biggar Show and Adjudication

Took my drawings to Biggar to set them up yesterday.  The show is from May 1 - 24, and adjudication is on May 25th.  

WEEK #17 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

Here's an adorable girl that I just couldn't resist drawing.  This is the beautiful Talissa - Ric's granddaughter.  Don't know why - but she just needed to be done in a quicker style.  Kids are like that.  I'm thinking she's always moving and quick-witted, so it just suited her.

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project. PRESS HERE FOR MY WEEKLY DRAWING PAGE 

WEEK #17 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

Now here's a perfect model if I've ever had one!  

A pose, a persona... 
Went to see this fellow when he did a talk on his creation "Auroraman".  Look him up - he's interesting!  

I did him in a kind of a line drawing, as he creates comics and graphic novels.  

A lot of fun to draw, and a really good guy.

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project.  PRESS HERE TO GET TO MY WEEKLY DRAWING BLOG

WEEK #14 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

This week I took some pics at a birthday party I attended, and of course one of the old ladies decided that everyone should wear a hat.  It's kinda fun actually.  

So this is my mom in her hat.  Ya - I know - she looks a bit stunned, but she doesn't usually take a good picture (guess I come by it honestly haha).  

I don't know why, but I was very tempted to draw a big birdcage on the left side.  For some reason, she looks like she needs to be standing by a birdcage. 

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project.  PRESS HERE TO GO TO MY WEEKLY DRAWING BLOG

WEEK #13 (Weekly Drawing 2019)

Tried some color this week.  This is a nice fellow I know.  He is also an artist.  You may have guessed by now I'm not fond of using color, but I thought I'd do one for the heck of it.  Started out with color pencils, but I find even that's harsh, so I ended up using mostly colored blackboard chalk.  

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project.  PRESS HERE TO GET TO MY ONE DRAWING PER WEEK BLOG

WEEK #12 (Weekly Drawing 2019)

Here's a someone who is a cashier at a local store.  Just had to ask to try a drawing!  I thought of putting a splash of color in the hair (seeing as it was the color of a candy gummy blue whale) but I thought I'd stick with the black and white - so the features could show through without distraction. The blue was especially nice in contrast with the bright orange uniform. 

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project. PRESS HERE TO GET TO MY ONE DRAWING PER WEEK BLOG

Der Kabelsalat

Kabelsalat is a German word - literally translated:  cable salad.  That's what they call a clutter of cables that always seem to be under your desk, or underfoot (in my case).  Sheesh - and I use my wifi yet!  I often have my computer turned on in my teeny tiny studio space, but I draw from a photo on another computer (well - actually its a Frankenstein conglomeration of two computers I think).  Then there's the electronic sharpener I bought (for $70 - that does a beautiful job of breaking my pencils).  And then there's my lights.....   Anyways - you get the point.

FYI:  The Germans have another word:  Bandsalat - it mean a tangle of audio or video tapes.  Used to have those too!  

Oh - while I'm trippin on my cables, I did manage to do up a drawing for this week, but I have to go hunt the gal down to see if she will let me post her pic.  

WEEK #10 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

I'm planning to do a more serious drawing of Lhey - but I just know I'm going to have a hard time with it, so I forced myself to do a quick one as a study.  Might have to do some more as well.  

Okay - the problem is - when get someone as beautiful as that to draw, its near impossible!  I have the same problem with Ranji and Annika. 

Oh - I know Lhey because she helps my landlord clean apartments.  She's such a hard worker!  

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project.  PRESS HERE TO GO TO MY ONE DRAWING PER WEEK BLOG

WEEK #10 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

You may realize by now that I love to draw Jason.  He owns Straight Edge Barber.  You know - barber shops are very interesting places to hang about in.  I had no idea - but honestly, they are cooler than the other side of the pillow cool (just like Jason!)  Go figure. 

#straightedgebarbers      #shaveandahaircut    #twobits

I first heard about Jason when he was giving haircuts to the homeless.  To read an article about him ....   PRESS HERE

Jason has had a tough time of things.  Many years ago he battled a drug addiction, was convicted of 15 armed robberies and was sentenced to nine years in prison.  He's since started over.

He's worked as a drug and alcohol counselor and is finishing up his barbering course.  He can often be found doing haircuts for the homeless for free.  He was homeless for eight years himself, and believes a haircut can change a life.

I've done a few other drawings of Jason in the past.  He's an interesting guy, and and interesting draw!

This is part of my 'one drawing per week" project    PRESS HERE TO GET TO MY ONE DRAWING PER WEEK BLOG

Mise en place

There's a culinary term Mise en place that means that everything is in its place.  Everything is ready to go and you are all ready to start preparing a new dish.  

After I'm done putting my weekly drawing away and getting my photos set up for the next week, I clean off my workspace (my teeny tiny workspace) and do a new set up.  Here are the basic tools of my trade....

Pencils:  regular pencil for my preliminary sketches, grey charcoal pencil, black charcoal pencil and mechanical pencil.  I always mix / blend my pencil and charcoal on the paper.  I don't know why or how I came up with this.  I read constantly that the two don't blend together, but for some reason, its always worked for me.  I don't use any special type of pencil, that's for sure.

Blending tools - tortillons, pointy Q tips, blunt Q tips, kleenex.

Erasers:  plain eraser, soft art eraser, and mechanical eraser.  I don't know what I'll do when my eraser gets spent up, because its my favorite and I have absolutely no clue where I bought it from or where to get another one!  

Sharpener:  I sure wish I could find a type of sharpener that lasts longer.  This is technically only good for a few pictures, then I have to buy another one.   But they are cheap, so its not a big deal.

WEEK #9 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

Here's the drawing of my nephew TJ I did last night.  Babies are so curvy and round - they are a lot of fun to do.  

#spababy     #everythursday

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project  PRESS HERE TO GET TO MY ONE DRAWING PER WEEK BLOG