Der Kabelsalat
Kabelsalat is a German word - literally translated: cable salad. That's what they call a clutter of cables that always seem to be under your desk, or underfoot (in my case). Sheesh - and I use my wifi yet! I often have my computer turned on in my teeny tiny studio space, but I draw from a photo on another computer (well - actually its a Frankenstein conglomeration of two computers I think). Then there's the electronic sharpener I bought (for $70 - that does a beautiful job of breaking my pencils). And then there's my lights..... Anyways - you get the point.
FYI: The Germans have another word: Bandsalat - it mean a tangle of audio or video tapes. Used to have those too!
Oh - while I'm trippin on my cables, I did manage to do up a drawing for this week, but I have to go hunt the gal down to see if she will let me post her pic.