Setting up for Biggar Show and Adjudication

Took my drawings to Biggar to set them up yesterday.  The show is from May 1 - 24, and adjudication is on May 25th.  

WEEK #17 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

Here's an adorable girl that I just couldn't resist drawing.  This is the beautiful Talissa - Ric's granddaughter.  Don't know why - but she just needed to be done in a quicker style.  Kids are like that.  I'm thinking she's always moving and quick-witted, so it just suited her.

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project. PRESS HERE FOR MY WEEKLY DRAWING PAGE 

WEEK #17 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

Now here's a perfect model if I've ever had one!  

A pose, a persona... 
Went to see this fellow when he did a talk on his creation "Auroraman".  Look him up - he's interesting!  

I did him in a kind of a line drawing, as he creates comics and graphic novels.  

A lot of fun to draw, and a really good guy.

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project.  PRESS HERE TO GET TO MY WEEKLY DRAWING BLOG

WEEK #14 (Weekly Drawings 2019)

This week I took some pics at a birthday party I attended, and of course one of the old ladies decided that everyone should wear a hat.  It's kinda fun actually.  

So this is my mom in her hat.  Ya - I know - she looks a bit stunned, but she doesn't usually take a good picture (guess I come by it honestly haha).  

I don't know why, but I was very tempted to draw a big birdcage on the left side.  For some reason, she looks like she needs to be standing by a birdcage. 

This is part of my "one drawing per week" project.  PRESS HERE TO GO TO MY WEEKLY DRAWING BLOG