Drawing #28

A challenging little putto.  Charcoal and pencil

Drawing #24

Hey - Just realized I forgot to post my drawing of Austin and Mono......  (finished about last week)

Drawing #23

My friend Roy

Finished drawing

Working on the drawing .....   not quite finished

Intercultural Art Festival

My drawing was chosen as one of the finalists for the Saskatchewan Intercultural Art Festival

The following artists and their artwork have been selected as the top entries and will be featured at the event. These artists are the contenders for the grand prize of $1000,  which will be awarded at the event.

Artist Name Art Work Title
Catherine Blackburn Prairies Dance
Danahe Palacios Syncret-ismus
Donna Kurtenbach Students of Kinyambu
Donna Kurtenbach Girl from La Loma
Jean Bosco Bakunzi Togetherness
Just Bud I lost my glasses
Kirsten Kohn ONE
Kyle Anderson This way to pow wow
Lynn Strendin First Snowfall
Morgan White head M.Kenedee Designs
Olha Tkachenko We are one blood you and I
Rey Tatad Concord
Shirley Arcand Metis Heritage
Stefanie Foster Our stories
Tianyue (Joanna) Ma Fish of prosperity

First Snowfall

The first snowfall often presents a common challenge.  Indigenous people have weathered through the Saskatchewan winters and they well know what is ahead.  People new to the country are often thrilled with the beauty of it all, but yet are afraid of the harsh unknown realities that they have to prepare to face. 
This is true metaphorically, and in reality.  People require support and understanding when struggling with change and uncertainty.

This drawing was done from a photo of a woman taken by Jeff Farschman on Feb. 25, 2016.  Location:  Semarang - a port city on the north coast of Java, Indonesia.

Drawing #22 Thrift Store Madonna

My daughter and I like going to second hand clothing stores and trying stuff on.  You’d be amazed at the interesting things you can find!  Many of these store names have the word “Madonna” in them and I’m assuming it is due to their association with maternal / charitable values.  So I’ve interpreted my dressed up Heather in this picture as a Christian icon (as a tribute to art history more so than to religion).

The light glints off the cap’s threads around the face similarly to the Eastern paintings where Our Lady is shown wearing a crown with shiny jewels.  The overall roundness echoes a large halo above or behind the head.  By covering her head, she is speaking to the traditional sign of honesty. Often we see Madonnas gaze directly out to the viewer as a request for prayers. 

The white and pink carnations (pompoms) are symbolic of innocence and motherly love and around her neck she wears a garland of roses.

Drawing #19

Was going to take a little break from drawing because I was having so much trouble with everything I touched it seemed. Anyhow- I started doing this gal and it was sooooo much fun! Had a wonderful time and now I'm finished my "cloud-chaser". For those who don't know, cloud-chasing is the activity of blowing clouds of vapor using an electronic cigarette (vaping).
So here's Skye....

Gerald Smith

Came across this article on my art professor Gerald Smith at the University of Saskatchewan.  I see he's no longer with us.

I really liked him a lot.  I also found on one of his pages - the oil painting he did of me and my husband back in the 1980s.


Drawing #16

Charcoal and pencil - about 2 feet by 3 feet.  Walter - another one of the fellas I play bingo with. 

Drawing #15

Charcoal and pencil of a beautiful woman named Mariann.  A bit challenging at first, but once I got into the hair, it was fun.  About 1.5 feet x 2.5 feet

Mariann gazes out of the picture with an expression of innocence.  Not one of naivety, but perhaps a look of curiosity or open mindedness.   She is looking at something we can’t see. 

You might call the drawing itself incomplete.  She has a lot more to tell.  We don’t know the context of her portrait.  We can’t see the rest of her head and we can’t guess at what’s going through her mind.  Her tresses are reminiscent of the courage of Caravaggio’s snake-haired Medusa, but that’s where the art history comparison ends.  Her hair is interwoven with strings forming patterns such as the ouroboros (behind her ear) and the lemniscate (back of her head down left shoulder), both which can be seen as symbols of infinity and strength. 

Don’t let the earrings fool you.  I happen to know Mariann is a Gemini (the Twins).  With  that in mind, you know there’s always another story to discover.  


My husband came home from holidays with a present for me - a humongous easel - a bit more sturdy for my larger pics. Working on my next drawing - this is a cute guy I play bingo with - he's 91yrs old. Got a long ways to go on it yet... but it's coming along. 

Drawing #13

Finally done!
If I wanted this true to my mom, I'd put in a few more wrinkles, but I'm more so thinking about the design and the vulnerability of the two people.  Thinking about doing a series of large drawings like this - perhaps I'd call it "Fragile:  Handle with Care".


Trying to concentrate on my large drawing - the big ones are so time consuming. Got a little ways to go yet - plus some problem solving (left arm) - not sure if I'm happy everything yet. But anyhow - the base is there. I absolutely hate that shirt (to draw) haha. Hope to finish it this weekend because I have two others I really just have to get started. 


WIP (work in progress)

Have tons of things to do, but I decided to start a rather large drawing of my mother today instead.  Took this pic of her and her great grandson on the weekend, and I couldn't resist.

Adjudicated Show 2016

I was selected as one of the three finalists in the Adjudicated Show in Biggar.  My theme was my drawings from the Weekly Drawing series I did for 2015. 

This means I now have the opportunity to compete in the Provincial Adjudication next May.

The art work was hung in Biggar for the month of May.  Following that, Carol Wylie - the adjudicator - gave a portrait workshop at the gallery.


Drawing #12

I was at a portrait workshop last weekend, and this gentleman (and the young lady in Drawing #11) posed for us.  It was fun to draw from a model, but since I had their photos on my phone, I decided to do proper finished drawings when I got home. 

Drawing #11

Drawing #10

Okay, had so many things to do when I got back from my holiday, but I had to finish this drawing first thing. This is a cute guy I play bingo with on Fridays at the Nursing Home. He's so sweet. Done with charcoal, blackboard chalk, pencil crayons.
Still crazy for me to work with color. I spend about an hour putting color on and a good week trying to take it off and tone it down! Its got a strange pastel-ish glow but still too much color for me.

Drawing #9

I've been trying to do portraits in color, but I just can't get the pencil crayons to tone down to my level.  I'm not usually much for color, and they are just so intense.  Anyhow.. I went to the dollar store and bought a box of colored blackboard chalk for a dollar and gave it a try.  I actually quite like the result.  Working with it is a bit difficult, but I like the skin tones way better than the pencil crayons. 

So here's a cute fellow I play bingo with at the nursing home.

Shiny Like a New Diamond

Art show at Chapel Gallery North Battleford.  The art is up now, and the place has just been cleaned and painted so it all looks very nice.  Actually - good title - because everything is shiny and new looking.

My first drawing is located right by the entry.  My drawings are usually quite big, but many people put in big work for this show, so they don't look overly huge on the walls actually.  There was such a nice variety of work there - needlework, abstract, photographs, sculptures and even some wooden bowls (that were especially nice!) 

My other two drawings are on the back wall. 

She Wears Diamonds on the Soles of her Shoes

Diamond in the Rough
Diamond in the Rough #2

Drawing #7

Looks like I forgot to post my last pic.  Likely because I was rushing around at the last minute to put my stuff into the art show in North Battleford and the one in Biggar. 

Drawing #6

Been very busy because there is a show at the gallery and I have to do up two drawings by Tuesday morning.  Title of the show is "Shiny Like a New Diamond".  First drawing - pencil / charcoal. 

She Wears Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes

Drawing #5

Didn't fade out, but did charcoal pencil and coloured pencil.  Seems to have worked for this particular pic. 

Drawing #4

OMG only on drawing number four?  Well - I do a lot on my other blog, so I guess I'm not spending that time on drawing.  Had fun with this one - to a point.  Now its time to let it go.  Not even sure if I'm done, but I am definitely tired of it.  Did a lot of experimenting with fading out.  I wanted it to look like the fellow was a memory - like an incomplete picture.  I'm going on to another one - same idea - incomplete pic.  Maybe I'll do it in black and white and then add a wee bit of color at the end.  I'll have to see if I have the courage to do that. 

Drawing #2, 2016

Got this photo from a photo site for artists (Fiona Rowley provided the photo - so I'm not sure if this lady's name is Fiona or not.)  At any rate, she looks like a nice woman, and I enjoyed drawing her.

WIP work in progress

I haven't quit drawing - I'm just taking a looooong time trying to learn about pencil crayons.  I'm finding it difficult, but nonetheless, there are a few people I want to do in color. 

Took a stab at some colour

I don't think I've used pencil crayons since about grade 5.

I'm not going to finish this, because I wanted to experiment with how to put colours on the paper and not really do a finished product.  I thought it was pretty tricky!  Anyhow... here's a piece of it. Its the same guy that I just last week.  I thought I'd try him in colour because I like the way his nose and lips are kinda purplish. 

Now I think I'll try to do a proper picture.

DRAWING #1, 2016

Well, here's my first drawing of the year.  Its pencil / charcoal of a nice elderly man who I met at a local function.  I was going to do more compositional drawings this year, but I knew when I met him that I just had to draw him before doing anything else.  I might just try him in colour next.  I'm not much for colour, but he has a lot of great reds in his face, and I got some pencil crayons, so I'll see how far I get with that idea.