2015 weekly drawings

Week #52

Not sure who this fellow is either - but again, I liked the way he looked.  This one looks like it would have been easy, but it actually took a bit more time than I thought it would. 

Week #52
Well, I guess this finishes off the year!  Yippee!  I won't be finishing one drawing a week this coming year, but I will continue to draw and to post on this site.  I have in mind to do some larger compositional drawings.  Might even use some colour somewhere.

Week #51

Whew - finally coming down the home stretch and thankfully my drawing worked out this week!

I don't personally know this woman.  I just liked the way she looked. 
Okay, looks like I'm stuck with some pretty lousy week #50s.  I started on a new drawing yesterday, to replace those other two - - worked on it for about 10hrs straight and the crazy thing turned out incredibly crappy!!

Its kinda strange - I thought since I've been at this for a year already, it would be easier and easier and my drawings would be so much better by now.  And its like I've never picked up a pencil in my life haha.  Oh well - guess that's the way it goes sometime.

So I think I'll cut my losses and start my new drawing for week #52 later tonight or maybe tomorrow.  Maybe I'll come up with a real masterpiece (although I doubt it!)

Week #50 (maybe)

What a problem with my art this week sheesh!  I just worked and worked on this crazy drawing and there's no way it is going to turn out for me!  I don't know how many times I've done it over.  Its not the style - the lights and darks turned out okay - but if memory serves me right, I recall not being very good with this style in general.  (of course I only remembered that half way through the drawing).

I've spent about three times as long on this as I should have.....
but I just hate it so much....  I have to get it out of here.  I will do another, but I can't bear to go back to that style right now.

So last night when I tried to work on this for the umpteenth time, I thought I'd do another different drawing.  So I thought - maybe someone looking through a dirty window....   but that didn't turn out either!!

Its Sunday and the day is more than half over, and there's tons of things to do.... but I think maybe there's still time to do something for week #50 and then I can ditch these efforts????  Wish me luck!

Week #49

Again I'm busy and late with my entry.  Sheesh - its such a crazy time of year.  Anyhow.... I did this in a kind of an impromptu "snapshot" format - its Kelly again (and I'm not sure who the other person is).  I wanted it to look very spontaneous - and just wanted them to be caught up in their own moment in time.

Week #49