Just before going on vacation, I met a guy at the local "Spring Into Art" show and he asked me if I've ever tried drawing on mylar. He gave me a piece to try out and I absolutely love it. It's a little obscure around these parts though, and to make matters worse, the size I'd like is very hard to find.
At any rate, I managed to scout out a few appropriate sized pages and I'm off to the races now..... trying to figure out how on earth to use this stuff. I love the product, I love the feel of it and the way the pencil and charcoal sticks to the paper... and I love the way the light glows through the finished drawing. But it is a pretty big learning curve - just like all new types of papers are.
I started a drawing of George (a fellow I know from Yorkton). I was trying to figure out how hard to press the pencil, how to work with the eraser, etc. Maybe I'll do another drawing of George on the mylar some day, but for this week - my unfinished drawing is my contribution.