I'll have to put in the table she's leaning on of course, and you know how I hate putting in backgrounds and furniture, but I don't always have a choice. The details in her hat and clothing will be fun though. Believe it or not - I had the most trouble with her hair of all things. Hair usually isn't a problem for me but for some reason it was on this drawing. Oh well.

Don't you just love the hats? I knew when I saw this woman, she reminded me of Degas' painting. But Degas was trying to convey solitude and loneliness in his picture - which isn't my intention here. Although I might copy his idea of having the table "floating".
L'Absinthe or The Absinthe Drinker, by Edgar Degas, 1876. The painting is at the Musee d'Orsay in Paris.