Work in progress

Well, here's a fellow I just couldn't resist trying out.  I don't usually do the happy party-going, smiley, teeth-showing type of drawing, but he's so cute - I thought I'd see what I could do with him.  That - and I tried to update my blog, add google plus, change a few things, and played around till I totally screwed up our server somehow - so I figured I'd best stay out of trouble for the rest of the day. 

outlined pic and blocked in a bit with charcoal and q-tip

Blocked in the jacket.  Used paper towel type thing to soften and spread

This is after a couple of hours.
Well, he's coming along.  He'd almost look good unfinished - but its kinda late for that now.  If I did the "unfinished look" I wouldn't want his jacket done quite so much.  So there's no going back at this point.  I've got to finish up the face later as well - after I see how dark the overall pic will be.  The trick after that will be to not overdo him.  Oh well - if I do - I'll maybe just do him again.  I wonder who this guy is anyways.   I might have to ask around.

I saw the cutest guy ever at the A&W yesterday - I just might search him out and get him to officially pose for me.  I think I know who he is, but I'm not sure. He'd be a challenge, because I've never done tatoos before. Oh well - one thing at a time.  I'll finish this fellow up first.